22 Creative + Surprising Ways to Show Your Business Community: “I LOVE YOU AND I’M HAPPY YOU ARE HERE.”

Based on the energizing + salted-caramel-laced words that you read here on my blog, it might seem like I spend six hours a day cycling through Napa Valley with my dog Lily riding in the front basket, spreading goodwill and cheer, tossing daffodils onto people’s front lawns as I call out, “I loooooooove yooooou!!!”

The reality is … a little bit different.

I don’t talk about it (much), but I’ve actually survived some pretty dark and tough sh*t, throughout my life. Thanks to lots of therapy and amazing family + friends, I’ve pulled through it.

But as a result of the aforementioned dark and tough sh*t, “expressing my feelings” hasn’t always come easily to me.

Just like exercising and writing and learning how to cook things that my husband will actually eat without making a scrunchy sad face, being able to express feelings has been something I’ve had to work at.

It’s an ability that I’m always trying to practice … and improve.

That’s why this year, in particular, I’ve been completely obsessed with gratitude.

Sending flowers or ice cream to my clients. Writing little notes to random people in my community. Sending Valentine’s to friends who have inspired me in the past.

Every time I go the extra mile to say “I love you and I’m happy you are here,” it feels like I’m lovin’ up a part of myself that really needs some love, too. Plus, saying “thank you” tends to result in a huge way of positivity and appreciation, rippling right back at me! (Double win!)

If you run a business, have a blog, work as a freelancer, or just want to amp up your personal gratitude practice, here’s a huge list of cool ways to do it:

For your blog readers and mailing list community…

: Send an email to the very first person who ever signed up for your mailing list. Yes, even if it’s your mom. “Thank you for believing in me … way back when.”

: Send a hand-written note (or a whole book full of awesomeness) to the very first person who ever hired you. “Because you trusted me, I found the courage to keep going.”

: Figure out who your Top Blog Commenter of All Time is and send them a personal note. “Thank you for always chiming in with such positive, productive comments. I can always count on you to get the comment-party started.”

For your clients and customers…

: Get a personalized coffee mug made for each of your clients with their signature catchphrase or business tagline. (They’ll drink up the love, every morning!)

: Track your clients’ birthdays, anniversaries, doggy-versaries (SO important!) and other special events. Use OhDontForget.com to send yourself a text message reminder, so that you can send a celebratory gift or happy note!

: Running an online class? Got one all-star student who completes EVERY assignment? Send her a bouquet of flowers. “You are the BEST kind of teacher’s pet.”

: Who are the first 10 customers who ever bought one of your products? Bet they’d love a handwritten “thank you” postcard … from you.

For your Twitter, Facebook and social media tribe…

: Tweet a coffee to your most recent follower … or very first follower! (I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS!)

: Film a quick video on your smartphone of you (or you + your dog) doing a happy dance of gratitude. Share it.

: Host a weekly Happy Hour like my girl Sally Hope—share one fan or follower that made you extremely happy that week.

For your mentors, peers and collaborators…

: Make a contribution to their favorite charity, in their honor.

: Secretly get people to flood their blog with appreciative comments on a particular day. (As we know, “getting lots of comments”isn’t the “point”of blogging, but it can still be a fun surprise for one of your friends!)

: Show your gratitude all year long with a “thing-of-the-month”subscription gift like healthy snacks, creamy delicious artisan cheese, bourbon, pickles, beauty products or completely random and delightful surprises!

: Have their photo turned into an amazing custom illustration. Or a stamp.

For your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend who supports you, no matter what, even when you’re furiously blogging at 3am because you just woke up from a dream and had the BEST idea ever …

: Tuck a love note into their lunchbox, under their pillow, or stamp it and snail mail it – totally unexpected!

: Plan a “Day of YES.” Everything he or she asks for, you happily oblige. (Oh yes. Evvvverything. 😉

: Turn off your phone and laptop before dinner and spend the evening creating a 3-year time capsule journal with your sweetie.

: Have homemade ice cream delivered … and enjoy it in bed. 🙂

: Read an erotic novel (THIS ONE!!!) out loud … also in bed. Swap out your names for the two main characters. Or … re-enact a favorite scene? 😀

: Lavish some attention onto one of THEIR projects, for a change. (“Honey, do you want to practice your presentation tonight? I’ll be your guinea pig audience. I’m so excited … you’re sooo sexy when you’re talkin’profit margins.”)

: Just look them straight in the eye and say, “I love you and I’m happy you are here. Kiss me, please.”

Who do you want to thank today?