These peeps are geniuses [bow down]

These peeps are geniuses at upselling and you can be too!

I have a girlfriend who is obsessed with getting blowouts. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s when you go to a salon and they wash, blow dry, and style your hair. No haircut. Just styling.

She goes once a week—religiously. She looks forward to every appointment. It’s her fave guilty pleasure and makes her insanely happy.

And those blowout salon owners… whoa. I have to bow down and give respect. They really know what they’re doing. They are customer loyalty-building geniuses.

Not only do they offer a terrific—and totally addicting—service, they also understand how to keep drawing my friend deeper and deeper into the blowout universe. They’re constantly rolling out “next level” experiences that she can’t resist.

“Oh, you like our classic blowout? Well you’ve got to try the deluxe version featuring Moroccan Oil hair products…”

“Oh, you like that? Well obviously you need to purchase our pack of 12 blowouts for future visits…”

“Oh, you used all of those up? Did you know we also do makeup and faux-lash application for special occasions?”

The blowout gurus continually roll out an “upgrade” or “next step” for my friend to take—which she happily does.


What about you?

When your customers reach the “end” of one of your products, services, or programs—do you give your peeps an exciting “next step” to take?

If you don’t, you should probably start doing that asap.

Why? Because once people have experienced your awesome work—and once they’ve started a relationship with you—more likely than not, they’ll want to continue that relationship. They’re primed and ready for some kind of next step—they’re just waiting for you to spell out what it is!

Take a cue from the blowout geniuses: always end your classes, services, and other experiences by saying something like, “That was fun! And here’s what we can do next…”

Not sure what your customers want from you next? Simple fix: ask them! Create an online survey—or have private conversations with a few of your current peeps—and see what they’d love to do, learn, or experience with you next. Then create… exactly that.

This is the easiest way to turn a single purchase into two, five, or ten purchases. Instead of trying to woo an entirely new group of customers every week, month, or year, stick with the group of people that you’ve already got—and offer those peeps a “next step” that they cannot resist.