Why You’re Ready to be on TV

Over the course of my career, I’ve made over 100 TV appearances.

As a villain on a salacious Netflix drama? Nope (though that would be amaaaazing.)

As a guest on local & national news stations, spreading wisdom on how to have a productive, healthy & pleasurable life & business? Yes, yes, yes.

I’ve even been paid by major brands to appear as an on-air spokesperson, representing their products.

And as a publicity strategist, I’ve helped clients over the years get featured on major TV shows like The Today ShowGood Morning America, and even Oprah!

When it comes to TV, here’s what I know for sure:

You don’t have to be a bestselling author or a famous celebrity to get your face on TV. Period.

If you have a touching, timely or intriguing message—and the ability to be yourself on camera—audiences will devour your words. (And producers will get a raging heart-on for you.)

Dreaming about gracing the (smaller) silver screen?

If you run a business, and you care about helping & serving your fellow human beings, you’re more ready than you think.

I’m currently accepting applications for my 30 Day Publicity Mastermind – Make Headlines.

*This is the only time I’ll be offering this mastermind in 2020.

Inside the mastermind, I teach you how to rise to the top of the pitch-pile, and all the other goodies you need to know to become a guest on TV… as well as get featured in glossy magazines, get interviewed on podcasts, and more!

 Get all the details and apply right here. 

Applications are accepted until May 7th. The mastermind begins May 11th, and runs for 30 days.

I hope to work with you in Make Headlines this year!