Want more press & sales? (How to get both.)

From that coveted spot in a national magazine to getting featured on a top podcast, press coverage brings tons of credibility and recognition to your business.

But, does it bring sales?

I’ve watched thousands of business owners over the last decade experience the dramatic high of getting press coverage, immediately followed by an even more dramatic low.

Their press coverage didn’t equal the flurry of sales they expected. 

Fortunately, all hope is not lost.

Here are three ways you can experience a revenue boost from your press coverage.

1. Press helps prospective client’s make a buying decision.

As an entrepreneur, I’m betting you get inquiries all the time from eager would-be customers… but they never follow through and actually buy.

Luckily, press coverage is your ticket to take prospective customers from an “ummm … maybe” to a “thousand times, yes!”

The next time you get a piece of press, send a personal follow-up note to your prospective customer casually mentioning your latest piece of press. This will create that wow factor they need to finally say yes.

2. Spotlight press coverage where “buying decisions” are made

If your customers are purchasing a product or service from your website, spotlight your press coverage next to the spot they would make the decision to buy.

For example, on a sales page for your offer you could say: “As featured in: Fast CompanyGood Morning AmericaNew York Times.”

Don’t have high-profile media coverage (yet!)? Keep reading…

3. Share your press coverage… and story

Everyone loves a great behind-the-scenes story. Instead of announcing a piece of press coverage to your audience, share some details of what happened behind-the-scenes. How did you make contact? What happened during the interview? Share all the insider scoop.

If you don’t have high-profile media coverage, but you’re ready to boost your sales using the power of publicity, check out my 30-day Publicity Mastermind – Make Headlines.

Applications are open for the 2020 session until tomorrow, May 7th (and this is the only time I’ll be offering this mastermind, this year.)

Get all the details & apply today!