How To Be More YOU In Your Business (And Land More Clients While You’re At It)

The other day, a client said to me:

“I love how you talk about your paranormal romance novel, your Lifetime movies, and your never-ending obsession with coffee in your business. I wish I could talk about my other passions like that.”

I replied, “You absolutely can… and should.”

My client’s passions are astrology and tarot. She works in an industry that isn’t exactly known for metaphysical stuff. More like, stuffy conference rooms and whiteboards. She was worried if they knew anything about her rising sign or that she laid out a tarot spread before each workshop, they’d never hire her again. 

I asked her if there was any evidence of that. Had she ever tried this before? How did it go?

Suddenly, she had a memory of hosting a workshop full of these buttoned-up professionals. She offered them a reading at the start with no pressure to take her up on it. 

Turns out, everyone DID take her up on it. First out of curiosity and then fascination. They loved it. She loved it. And they hired her again and again. 

The easiest way to have more fun with your business and stand out? Take your true personality, passions, and obsessions and swirl ‘em right into your business model.

How can you swirl more of YOU into your business?

First thing’s first — what does FUN mean, for you? Maybe you love competing in gritty mud runs or consider yourself a connoisseur of spas and steam rooms. Or maybe you have an obsession with watching back-to-back (to-back-to-back) episodes of Gossip Girl on HBO Max.

(OK, maybe that’s just me.)

Right this second: Make a list of all the things that feel like the exact opposite of “work.”

Now — it’s time to get a little creative. How can you weave all that fun into your business?

A couple of ideas to swirl more YOU into your business:

:: Share your all-time favorite activities on your website About Page in a “fun facts” format. 

:: Create programs and classes anchored around your obsessions. For example, if you’re a financial coach who loves long distance hiking, maybe you create a workshop where people can create a “money trail map” – navigating their way to wealth. 

:: Design special promotions around your passions and obsessions. Once when I was promoting a sales workshop I sent a (very effective!) email about “sales lessons you can learn from Twilight.” Ha!

:: Weave your “non-business” hobbies into your content (for example: “What Running A 5K Taught Me About Running A Business,” or “The Real Housewives Guide to Making Friends – or Enemies – On Social Media.”)

:: Reveal tidbits about your passions on social media and in your newsletter or blog, podcast, etc. People love a good behind-the-scenes peek into who you are, not just “what you do.”

:: Think of words and phrases that relate to your passions and weave them into your copy. For example: if you’re a business operations consultant — and you’re obsessed with fashion — tell us how business systems can feel like a sexy little black dress.

What’s the point of all this, you ask?

Well, besides the obvious (keeping you engaged and excited about your work) …

:: People will be way more attracted to your brand because it’s interesting, exciting and human.

:: Customers will be delighted about working with you. Having fun is infectious!

:: You’ll attract unbelievably awesome clients & customers who have fun the same way you do! 

Fun fact: Several people have hired me simply because I’m obsessed with trashy romance novels and drink a lot of coffee. 

Bottom line: show me an irresistible business, and I’ll show you a business owner who knows how to have fun.